Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Well, we're home and fairly settled in. Our flights were good with not too many clinks. It was about as long as we are able to sit, especially with Bob's long legs. Our daughter in law's dad, Ron, picked us up at the airport door for a nice ride home, laughing as we compared travel stories.

We walked around in a bit of a daze trying to soak it all in and felt a little snazzy that we successfully did it all. However, our greatest emotion is that of feeling so thankful and blessed to have had such a wonderful life experience. Thank you to all who followed along and sent us safe travel prayers. It was an adventure! Now to enjoy and appreciate our sweet family, pets and home.

An interesting note: A few days after we got home, I heard from a lady in Sweden that I had contacted online who would help with genealogy research from that side with Swedish records. If she had contacted us a few weeks earlier, I would have had so much more information. She gave us a wonderful report on both of my grandparents that told us where they were born, who their relatives were, where they were married and when they immigrated. It turns out, and this is such an amazing coincidence, that they lived right outside of the town, Kristinehamn, where Tord was born and where we attended the Mid Summer Eve celebration. We were exactly in the right place. If we had known, we could have found the actual area and church. We were so close. I guess we have to some day go back.

Meanwhile, stay tuned for our next adventure and again, thanks so much for being there.

Onward and upward,
Bob & Cherie Fish


  1. Dear Bob & Cherie so glad you have arrived home safe & well. We thank you for a wonderful holiday adventure, you have been an inspiration - now start to plan your next trip (hint hint). We really looked forward to your wonderful Blogs - felt like we were there with you, So thanks for a wonderful holiday. The Connors Down Under

  2. DITTO - we loved your stories and are getting itchy feet as a result - we have had a great experience vicariously. Enjoy your family time & plan your next trip for us to watch. Mary & John
